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Help Sustain Temple Beth Shalom as Santa Fe's Most-Vibrant Jewish Community

Since 1947, Temple Beth Shalom has been the beating heart of Santa Fe’s Jewish
community, a welcoming, inclusive spiritual and communal home.
The strengths and growth of our community are made possible through the generosity of
our members. While annual membership dues are essential, they cover only half of our
operating budget. Donations play a vital role in sustaining and enhancing the programs,
services, and worship experiences that define our sacred community.
Your support enables us to foster connection, build community, and create a true sense
of belonging. To make a gift, please click any of the buttons below or call Wendy
Steinberg, executive director at Temple Beth Shalom, at 505.982.1376. Thank you for
helping us continue this important work!

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Ways to Give

Chai Circle

A group of TBS members and friends who have pledged to donate $1800 or more per year.

Contact Jeff Zilka, development committee chair, at 

Planned Giving

Bequests to TBS through the TBS Foundation’s “Life and Legacy” program.

 Contact Lisa Adelman or Ken Warner at

Naming/Memorial Opportunities

 Purchase a plaque engraved with your or a loved one’s name.

 Contact Faith, clergy assistant, at 505-982-1376 or

Specific TBS Funds

Donate Today

Click on box to be directed to payment or send checks to:

Temple Beth Shalom 205 East Barcelona, Santa Fe, NM 87505

Want to help in
another way?

Join a TBS Committee or Volunteer

We have so many opportunities to give back.

Please go to the VOLUNTEER PAGE and fill out the form so we

know what your interests are!

We also list what fundraisers or drives are happening on that page! 

Santa Fe Jewish Services at Temple Beth Shalom
Santa Fe Jewish Services at Temple Beth Shalom
Reimagining Judaism and the Environment A Four-Part Series by Rabbi Neil “The fear and dre
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