Pillars of our community

Aaron Wolf
Music Director: Aaron Wolf
Aaron was born in Los Angeles on February 24, 1949 to Izzy Wolf, who could daven but was completely tone deaf, and Delly Wolf, who had perfect pitch but didn’t know a word of Hebrew.
Aaron was born in Los Angeles on February 24, 1949 to Izzy Wolf, who could daven but was completely tone deaf, and Delly Wolf, who had perfect pitch but didn’t know a word of Hebrew. A self-proclaimed Hebrew School genius, Aaron’s greatest early accomplishments were his ability to recite the v’ahavta backwards by heart, and play HavaNagilah on the piano cross-handed. As punishment, his Hebrew School principal made him substitute teach the eight year olds for the first time when he was ten, launching a career that involved wearing many ill-fitting suits. Aaron began tutoring Bar/Bat Mitzvah and teaching Hebrew School at age 15, when he graduated from LA Hebrew High School. He continued to do so while attending the University of Judaism in Los Angeles. Aaron graduated from USC in 1970 and USC Law School in 1975. Aaron moved to Santa Fe in 1978, joined Temple Beth Shalom and started teaching Hebrew School and tutoring Bar/Bat Mitzvah students in 1979. He and Carolyn were married in 1980. Twins Bekah and Sarah were born in 1981. Sarah is a Rabbi, Bekah is a Palestinian activist. The girls attended TBS Preschool and Religious School and became B’not Mitzvah in 1994, an event noted in his home as the greatest moment in the history of the Jewish people. Aaron served on the TBS board for eight years, the last two as president. He and choir sidekick Meredith Brown volunteered to temporarily serve TBS as accompanist and cantorial soloist when Mark Malachi left in late 1999. Due to an apparent oversight, Aaron has been allowed to continue to play piano and guitar for services, sing in the choir, teach music in Sunday School and lead Shabbat morning services and the Monday Morning Minyan. Occasionally his duties as a lawyer in private practice and doting in-house grandfather interfere. He likes the temple.

Meredith Brown
Cantorial Soloist Meredith Brown
A cantor, ironically named Mr. Singer, at a Hebrew Day School in Rockaway, New York, noticed that a little girl in his school could really sing.
Fortunately for us, that little girl was Meredith Brown. Meredith and her husband, Mick, met in Israel. In 1977, they briefly came to Santa Fe and connected with TBS. Although they spent the next 6 years between Gallup and Las Cruces, TBS was always their home for the High Holy Days. When they finally settled here for good, in 1984, Meredith became a B’nai Mitzvah tutor and she hasn’t stopped helping since. She joined the TBS choir and made herself available for Friday night services when needed. When her daughters, Michaela and Maia, got to be school-aged, Meredith became a Hebrew School teacher. In 1999, Meredith became our Cantorial Soloist. She is one of our greatest treasures.

Deborah Weinberg
Director of Education
Deborah grew up in New York, attended Barnard College as a Religion major, and got a graduate degree in education.
She made her way west teaching for eight years on the Navajo Reservation in Ganado, Arizona where she learned much from the Navajo people about resilience and the gifts of the rich Dine culture. Deborah had the privilege of then serving for almost 25 years as the Director of Education at Temple Beth Shalom and being part of the lives of so many TBS families. Strengthening and helping to create a caring and vibrant TBS community was always a focus of her work. Since official “retirement”, Deborah spent many winters with her husband Lou teaching and working with the different ethnic people of Myanmar on the Thai/Burma border who struggled tirelessly to bring democracy to their country. Deborah was also was dedicated to teaching ESL at the Santa Fe Community College to many in the immigrant community. Deborah is a volunteer at the International Folk Art Market as a Regional Coordinator for artists from South and Southeast Asia. Deborah also enjoys the company of her firecracker Little Sister as part of the Big Brother Big Sister Program. She gets endless joy from her daughter Sarah, her son-in-law Matt and her 16 month old grandson Benny.

Dorothea Migliori
Dorothea considered inviting everyone to drop by her office where they could learn the story of her life through interpretive dance, but then she thought better of it. Born in Brooklyn, she was an only child surrounded by dozens of cousins, most of whom were at least a decade older than her.
After getting a degree in Comparative Literature at Brooklyn College, she absconded to Europe with her first husband and, much to her own surprise, never lived in New York again.
In Champaign-Urbana at the University of Illinois, she discovered two things: international folk dancing and her second husband. She came to Los Alamos in 1973 but was not suited to life on the hill, so she and her physicist husband moved to Santa Fe. Her eldest child, Ben, attended TBS Preschool in its very first year; her second child, Robert, had his Bar Mitzvah here.
When she is not at work, she is out dancing, at home reading or doing crossword puzzles, talking to one of her kids or off travelling with Terence Cady, her partner in crime.
Dorothea started work at TBS on her birthday, October 18, 1999. Like most people in the field of Temple administration, this was not a career path she had actually planned for. Her work history includes a stint with AT&T before the divestiture (she still misses the ease of knowing who to call when your phone stops working,) programming classical music for the University radio station in Illinois, taking charge of a police library that looked like a Boy Scout paper drive, ministering to the scholars and anthropologists at the School of American Research on Garcia Street, and eight years running a market research company at the old Villa Linda Mall. There could be no better preparation for her current position.